What is an adventure day?
On “Pillsbury Adventure Day” all regular camp activities stop and campers are transported offsite to take a chaperoned trip to somewhere fantastic. Each session offers a different trip or special event on Adventure Days.
- Mall of America
- Valley Fair Amusement Park
- Movies
- Rafting
- Cave tours
- Minnesota Twins baseball
- pre-season Vikings game.
*Camp Pillsbury covers the cost for admission and transportation

Local Activities
Campers may also have the opportunity to take part in different local activities from the surrounding area. Here are just some of the Adventures our campers have enjoyed in the past:
- Owatonna Crazy Day Festival Campers get to perform on their own stage, march in a parade, and enjoy the activities
- River Springs Water Park Campers can stay cool while experiencing a tube slide, body slide, lazy river, activity pool, zero depth entry pool, climbing wall, lily pad walk and sand volleyball.
- Steele County Fair A true American experience with many attractions, food, livestock, vendors, and rides for campers to enjoy with their unlimited arm bands.