Reasons Why Campers Choose Camp Pillsbury Over Other Summer Camps for Kids

If you are deciding on where to send your kids to summer camp this year then here are some great reasons why parents and campers alike chose Camp Pillsbury over other summer camps for kids.  Our summer camp in Minnesota is located in Owatonna which has a nice small town appeal and great local events.  The natural beauty of the Minnesota countryside is definitely a plus but didn’t make it on the top five list but definitely needs to be acknowledged. 

5. Rain or Shine, Summer Camp Fun Will Continue at Camp Pillsbury

At many traditional camps, if there is bad weather many activities are cancelled.  At Camp Pillsbury, we have a large gymnasium with modern sports, circus and gymnastic equipment.  The campus also boasts a fully equipped theater and other performance stages so the practice and show always goes on.   And when the weather is good we have plenty of outdoor activities to get campers outside and having fun.  With our soccer field, lake side access, horse stable access, circus arts area and local tennis courts, it is no wonder campers choose Camp Pillsbury over traditional summer camps for kids.  So no matter what kinds of weather comes during our summers, the campers are always enjoying themselves.

4. Campers Get to Shine on Performance Days

At the end of every two week session at Camp Pillsbury, the campers have a performance day. This is when local residents, other campers and if possible, family can watch what they have learned. Being able to perform in front of a live audience after all their practice can really booster their confidence. Many campers say they love to show off what they have learned and is a factor in why they choose Camp Pillsbury over other summer camps for kids. Campers also get to do live performance at two of the local events during the summer. Not only do they get to enjoy the festivities at the Owatonna Crazy Day Festival and Steele County Fair but they also perform on their own stage during these events for local residents!

3. Adventure Days and Local Event Trips are a Favorite with Campers

Although campers enjoy their days on campus doing our fun and diverse activities, they also enjoy trips to the surrounding areas.  Our Minnesota summer camp offers exciting adventure days and local activities for campers to also look forward to.  Every other weekend, campers enjoy a trip to the nearby Twin Cities to visit Valley Fair Amusement Park or Mall of America /Nickelodeon Universe.  There are also several local activities and events such as Owatonna Crazy Day Festival, River Springs Water Park and the Steele County Fair.   Our adventure days and local events are definitely a deciding factor for parents and kids when choosing Camp Pillsbury over other summer camps for kids.  Camp Pillsbury provides transportation, the cost of admission and meals for the day.  Campers only need money for souvenirs and other extras.  Many campers say their adventure day memories with friends are some of the most treasured from their summer camp experience. 

2. Elegantly Beautiful and Historical Campus with Modern Facilities

Camp Pillsbury takes great pride in having a picturesque historical campus with modern and comfortable summer camp facilities.  With updated dorm rooms, bath room, showers, lounge areas and dining hall, there is no roughing it at Camp Pillsbury.  You get all the activities you would at other camps and more but do not have to deal with tents, cabins or outdoor bathrooms or showers.  Our campers prefer our comfortable and modern campus facilities over traditional summer camps for kids with rustic facilities.   

1. Campers get to Choose Their Summer Camp Programs

Drum roll, please! The number one reason campers and parents alike choose Camp Pillsbury over other summer camps for kids is because of the diversity of the summer camp programs.  Campers get to choose which elective summer camp activities they will participate in during their stay.  Every day at Camp Pillsbury is broken down into six one hour periods.  At the beginning of camp, campers pick 3 majors that they will participate in at the same time and with the same staff and campers daily.   Then each day they can pick 3 minors from the ones available to be able to try new and exciting activities.  This gives campers the ability to try new things while strengthening existing interests while having a great time.   

Register Today For Your Summer of a Lifetime

With all there is to do and learn at Camp Pillsbury, it will be a treasured memory of a camper’s youth.  Not only do they get to participate in great activities, adventure days and local events but they make strong and lasting friendships with other campers that last for years or possibly a lifetime.  They get to do all this on our beautiful and historical campus with modern facilities and have fun no matter what the weather brings.  Register today to make sure your camper has a summer of a lifetime this summer.  We are sure all campers will be glad you chose Camp Pillsbury over all other summer camps for kids.    

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